
CHELATION: Intravenous (IV) Chelation Therapy

Hardening of the arteries is a growing threat to every American. We are currently facing a very real epidemic of this illness with symptoms ranging from poor circulation in the extremities to kidney disorders and heart disease.

It is estimated that 67.7 percent of all the disease–precipitated deaths in this country (heart attack–54.7 percent and stroke–13 percent) are the result of one form or another of hardening of the arteries.

A person diagnosed as having atherosclerosis is usually offered very few choices in dealing with the illness. If the blocked arteries are large enough to be operated upon, the victim takes his chances with bypass or “cleanout” surgery. However, if the stricken blood vessels are too small for surgical techniques, then the patient must become resigned to living with this seemingly incurable and progressive disease. Unbeknownst to most people, however, there is a unique medical process that can clean out the arteries and renew blood flow throughout the entire body—without surgery! This exciting process is intravenous chelation therapy. Certain nutrient and chemical agents are incorporated in the chelation process. Examples are vitamin C, lactated Ringer’s solution (which resembles the blood serum in its salt constituents), EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid), various weak organic acids, plus other agents such as PTC or Plaquex. By far, the two most frequently used agents in chelation therapy are EDTA and PTC.

Scientists have demonstrated that when the EDTA solution is injected into the bloodstream, just one of the beneficial things it does is trigger the breakdown of components of plaque and lock onto, or chelate, heavy metals. Plaque is the internal “corrosion” that commonly clogs the arteries of middle-aged and elderly (and some young) people. EDTA stimulates the processes by which the cellular components of the plaque, such as heavy metals, mucopolysaccharides, calcium, cholesterol, collagen, fibrin, foreign proteins and other debris release their hold on the internal wall of the arteries. These particles then become a part of the EDTA molecular solution and leave the bloodstream through the kidneys to be finally eliminated in the urine. As this occurs, the hardened arteries become more flexible. The narrowing of their central channel (the lumen) is halted, and the blood flow is unclogged. Moreover, tests reveal another benefit from chelation therapy. EDTA IV injections can help pull calcium from other parts of the body in which it is abnormally deposited, such as in traumatized tendons, inflamed bursae, kidney stones, arthritic joints and strained ligaments. But IV EDTA does not remove calcium from the bones and teeth, where the mineral serves a very useful purpose. Rather, EDTA chelation therapy tends to strengthen the bone by reactivating dormant but healthy bone forming cells. For this reason, IV EDTA and its associated nutritional oral chelating agents have been useful in treating osteoporosis.

Diagnostic tests taken before and after chelation treatment reveals that impaired circulation is often restored to normal by this medical process. After the clogging material is removed from the human arterial wall, a smooth, clean, and nearly unblocked surface is thought to be left behind.

Chelation Offers Hope

Thanks to chelation and PTC therapy, people with hardening of the arteries and/or free radical pathology can hope to reverse symptoms.

But what about the millions of patients suffering with various forms of degenerative disease who don’t know about chelation/PTC therapy who fail even to get the oral chelating advantages of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids,antioxidants, and other supplemental nutrients? Many sufferers are also denied the option of surgery, for a variety of reasons: lack of funds, no health insurance,an unhealthy lifestyle, a disinterested family doctor or misinformation about the treatment from competing physicians.

An estimated 60% of all surgeries are medically unjustified, writes Gary Null, PhD, in Death by Medicine. Coronary bypasses are the most common, unnecessary surgery in America.

That is, those having had surgery (bypass, angioplasty or stenting) LIVE NOT ONE DAY LONGER, HAVE THE SAME QUALITY OF LIFE, AND THEY ARE ON THE SAME MEDICATIONS–OR MORE THAN THEY WERE PRIOR TO THE SURGERY! In my opinion, far too frequently those who are the sickest and in most need of and could benefit most from these invasive surgeries, are denied them in fear of altering statistical results. In other words, if they were to die or have complications from surgery it would critically alter the results obtained and deter patients from opting surgery as a treatment for their coronary artery disease.

Nationwide Study

Currently, a nationwide study is being performed that (hopefully) will ultimately prove or disprove the known benefits of EDTA chelation therapy.

REMEMBER: When it comes to your health, you do have options and a choice.