The Keto Diet

Are you having trouble losing those quarantine pounds?

We all know how hard it is to follow any type of diet and how frustrating it can be when either you fail the diet, or the diet fails you! This is why ICAM developed a comprehensive protocol to guide you through this task.

icamnj keto

There are multiple benefits for your body when it uses ketones for energy:

  • Improved weight loss
  • Decreased risk of chronic inflammation
  • Improved muscle mass
  • Reduced appetite
  • Lower insulin levels
  • Increased longevity
icam keto weight loss

What is included in our protocol:

  • 1hr. appointment with Dr. Haroldo to get an evaluation and assessment of the underlying cause(s) of your weight problem.
  • Quality supplementation to support your diet.
  • Food recommendations and receipts.
  • 4 Vibra fit sessions.
  • 4 Sauna sessions.
  • ½ off any Cryoskin treatments or packages.
  • ½ hr. follow up appointment with Dr. Haroldo to check your progress and any new recommendations.

Please Schedule Your Appointment Today 609-978-9002